It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform


The SQL Diagnostic Notebook: Update 2


Just a quick note, the SQL Diagnostic Book has been updated, here is the changelog: Updated FirstResponder’s Kit and Glen Berry’s ScriptsAdded SQL Assessment API NotebooksAdded sp_whoisactive installation and basic documentation notebooksAdded sp_pressure_detector as a Notebook That’s it! As always, to use it just download the folder of the Book from my GitHub (here is...

SQL Notebooks: On the right track to enhance Data Analysis on SQL Server


Since about a couple of versions ago, Azure Data Studio introduced Jupyter Notebooks support for SQL Server (and with SQL Server 2019 “Big Data Clusters” on the horizon, it was about time) What are Notebooks? “Notebooks” are a tool that our data science/machine learning colleagues know, love and are at their disposal since some time (Python, Spark, etc…); A notebook...

It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform

Emanuele Meazzo

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