It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform


How to read data from Oracle Database via PowerShell without using ODBC or installing Oracle Client (and import it to SQL Server too)


If you read my previous article on how to configure a Linked server to Oracle , you know that I feel like someone is plotting to keep the topic of how to get our precious data outside of the Oracle ecosystem as obscure as possible out of the oracle circle Fear not! I’m here to get you all the info in order to get data from Oracle Database via Powershell, in a native high-performance way...

How to programmatically read from SQL Server extended events files (*.xel) with PowerShell


I love extended events, and if you’re still using SQL profiler, go feel ashamed and come back only when you’ve stopped using it.Now that you’re familiar with extended events, one of the common destinations for the tracked information are Extended Event Files, where simply put the events are saved to while they happen. *.XEL files are easy to work with in SSMS, just double click...

Quick Tip: How to find the address of the PowerBI local tabular instance


Super quick tip, I’ve seen this done via CMD or DaxStudio, but not via PowerShell (probably because I haven’t searched so much since I’ve done it myself), but here we are: I’m sure you know that PowerBI tabular models are 100% the same as SSAS tabular models, hence you can use SSMS to connect to a PowerBI Tabular model as if it was SSAS (because it is), to do whatever you...

How to update a SQL Server container on Docker for Windows (spoiler – there is a catch)


With the 1st CU for SQL 2019 released just yesterday, and Microsoft updating the docker image right away, the only natural response for me was to update the docker instance that I showed you how to deploy a few months back. The theory In theory, a docker container can’t be really “updated”, they’re meant to be stateless machines that you spin up and down responding to...

Use SQL Server on Docker for Windows, the easy way


I wanted to install and test SQL Server 2019 on a new machine, without the hassle to create a VM from scratch, since I had none of my resources from this new place, that’s when I remembered about Docker and how Microsoft is slowing reaching feature parity for SQL on LInux , moreover, I didn’t need any of the unsupported stuff, so. I didn’t find a straightforward guide that said...

Creating a Report and distributed Alerts for PowerBI Scheduled Refreshes in your organization (starring Powershell, PowerBi & Microsoft Flow)


The Issue If you ever tried to manage a PowerBI Tenant, you may have come across this problem: A part the PowerBI success comes from the ability for BI people to self-serve the data it needs, you just provide them with the datasources that they need and they can go around creating all the reports that they want; this is also an issue when trying to manage the tenant, because by default the owner...

SQL Notebooks: On the right track to enhance Data Analysis on SQL Server


Since about a couple of versions ago, Azure Data Studio introduced Jupyter Notebooks support for SQL Server (and with SQL Server 2019 “Big Data Clusters” on the horizon, it was about time) What are Notebooks? “Notebooks” are a tool that our data science/machine learning colleagues know, love and are at their disposal since some time (Python, Spark, etc…); A notebook...

Quickly move data between instances for testing using only PowerShell


Quick tip, how many times did a dev ask you to move the PROD/QA data to DEV to test a feature? Of course, not the whole DB, which would be too easy via a scripted backup/restore, but only a single table, or subset of table data? How do you deal with it usually? With the SSMS Import data Wizard? (ugh..) Exporting to flat file and reimporting? Linked Servers? External tools? Restore the whole...

Load data directly in SQL Server from a xlsx file, without OLEDB or Excel, using Powershell


I don’t know you, but people from other BU are old fashioned guys that do everything by hand, and then send you an Excel file to “put this data in the database” or “find info related to this codes”. This is an hassle, especially if you don’t have the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB provider installed in your machine (or for some reason SSMS doesn’t recognize it or...

It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform

Emanuele Meazzo

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