Do you know the feeling when someone gives you a flat file, without any schema information whatsoever, and you have to dump it in your database as-is, and then have to spend precious time to figure out the data type for each column?
Let me help you with that, as I'm helping myself too
How to fix “Connect Timeout” and/or “Cannot open server xxx requested by the login” when connecting to Azure SQL Managed Instance in redirect mode
Here is something that will save you lots of time and headaches when trying to connect to Azure SQL Managed Instances, especially from onprem servers or from other clouds; I had to repeat this multiple times to multiple actors, so I know it will happen to someone else too. In most cases, “Connect Timeout” and/or “Cannot open server xxx requested by the login; Login failed”...
The SQL Diagnostic (jupyter) Book

Welcome to 2020! I wanted to start this year by giving to all my fellow consultants another way to troubleshoot our beloved SQL Servers; I've already talked about diagnostic notebooks in the past, and now, since Azure Data Studio has implemented the feature, I wanted to group them into a Diagnostic Book.
How to Show Better Execution Plans in Azure Data Studio
Azure Data Studio is starting to mature and some neat features are coming to the vscode-based (and now multidatabase and multiplatform) tool. We got query plans in the app since some time, but to be frank they’re not very pretty and have some issues with dark themes: Phantom Lines in plans with Dark Theme The new way Phil Scott built the extension for Azure Data Studio, which...
Why identity values can jump by the 1000’s ? Is it normal?
It must have happened you at least once to find identity columns with values that from one row to the next one jump by 1000’s rows, of course without having anyone deleting the rows in between, how this occurs? Identity columns don’t actually recalculate every time the next number to be inserted, SQL Server caches a number of values in order to obtain faster inserts and polls from...