It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform

The SQL Server Diagnostic Book is now on the Azure Data Studio Marketplace!


Great News Everyone!
As detailed in my previous article, you can now create extensions containing SQL (note)books and publish them on the Azure Data Studio Marketplace!
How do I know? Because I did it ๐Ÿง

How to install it

As you see in the gif above, the process is super fast:

  • Be sure to be on Azure Data Studio version 1.22.0 (September 2020) or later
  • Search for “SQL Server Diagnostic” in the Extensions SearchBox
  • You’ll find my extension, click on it and/or click “Install” to get the vsix package
    • (3rd party extensions can’t be hosted directly in the marketplace directly as of now, so you’ll have to download the extension package from my repository)
  • Once you’ve downloaded the vsix file from my repo, the last step is to go to File -> “Install Extension from VSIX Package” and select the file you’ve just downloaded
  • That’s it, profit!

How to use it

Even easier, just open Azure Data Studio command palette (default combination CTRL+SHIFT+P) and start typing “SQL Diagnostic“, you’ll immediately see the command “Launch Book: SQL Server Diagnostic Book” that will immediately load the Jupyter Book in your Notebook tab for you to immediately use ๐Ÿ˜Ž

From there it’s notebooks as usual, you can browse the content from the best sources in the SQL Server community

How I created it

If you’re curious about how this has been created, check out my companion article on it:

About the author

Emanuele Meazzo

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It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform

Emanuele Meazzo

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