UPDATE: This is now somewhat deprecated, because you can install the Book as an extension, without having to type anything, as detailed here. Good news everyone, thanks to the Azure Data Studio August 2020 update you can now access the SQL Server Diagnostic Book without having to download the book from my Github. Remote Jupyter Books have been added to ADS, now you just need to click “Add...
How to use Grafana (on docker) to monitor your SQL Server (eventually on docker too) – feat. InfluxDB and Telegraf

In this container-centric era to complement my SQL Server instance on docker (previous articles here) I’ve looked over containerized monitoring solutions, and chose Grafana as my first candidate; spoiler: everything is simple once you’ve figured out how this stuff works, which can be not trivial for a Windows Guy (like me) Note: I’m focusing on SQL Server as always but as you...
A PowerBI Report for SQL Server Agent Jobs
As my “community service” this month, I’ve worked on this neat (I hope!) PowerBI report (and companion stored procedure) to easily analyze all what you wanted to know about your Agent Jobs execution, but were too afraid to ask to the standard Reports in SSMS. This is part of the FirstRespondersKit toolkit, which I encourage you to check out. Installation: Install the...
Creating a Perfmon and Filestats reports in PowerBI [Part 2]
In this previous post I detailed the structure of the objects to be created to create a live report in PowerBI to analyze Perfmon and Filestats data (which in my case was already being gathered but not used by the FirstRespondersKit tool); Let’s get to the PowerBI stuff. Here is the final result that we’ll reach: I’ll be starting from the existing FirstRespondersKit PowerBI...
Revisiting the classics: Minimizing the Impact of DBCC CHECKDB (by Aaron Bertrand) in 2018
SQL Server has a long history, it has been around since the ’90, more than 20 years have passed, which is a VERY long time as far as the IT world goes; Especially now that Microsoft has stepped up the release schedule for SQL Server (releases are now scheduled yearly) I thought that maybe it’s a good time to go back and revisit the classic articles and recommendations by the Gurus of...