It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform


The SQL Server Diagnostic Book is now on the Azure Data Studio Marketplace!


Great News Everyone!As detailed in my previous article, you can now create extensions containing SQL (note)books and publish them on the Azure Data Studio Marketplace!How do I know? Because I did it 🧐 How to install it As you see in the gif above, the process is super fast: Be sure to be on Azure Data Studio version 1.22.0 (September 2020) or laterSearch for “SQL Server Diagnostic” in...

You can now access the SQL Server Diagnostic Book remotely!


UPDATE: This is now somewhat deprecated, because you can install the Book as an extension, without having to type anything, as detailed here. Good news everyone, thanks to the Azure Data Studio August 2020 update you can now access the SQL Server Diagnostic Book without having to download the book from my Github. Remote Jupyter Books have been added to ADS, now you just need to click “Add...

The SQL Diagnostic Notebook: Update 2


Just a quick note, the SQL Diagnostic Book has been updated, here is the changelog: Updated FirstResponder’s Kit and Glen Berry’s ScriptsAdded SQL Assessment API NotebooksAdded sp_whoisactive installation and basic documentation notebooksAdded sp_pressure_detector as a Notebook That’s it! As always, to use it just download the folder of the Book from my GitHub (here is...

The SQL Diagnostic (jupyter) Book


Welcome to 2020! I wanted to start this year by giving to all my fellow consultants another way to troubleshoot our beloved SQL Servers; I've already talked about diagnostic notebooks in the past, and now, since Azure Data Studio has implemented the feature, I wanted to group them into a Diagnostic Book.

It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform

Emanuele Meazzo

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