It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform

Tagextended events

How to programmatically read from SQL Server extended events files (*.xel) with PowerShell


I love extended events, and if you’re still using SQL profiler, go feel ashamed and come back only when you’ve stopped using it.Now that you’re familiar with extended events, one of the common destinations for the tracked information are Extended Event Files, where simply put the events are saved to while they happen. *.XEL files are easy to work with in SSMS, just double click...

There’s a Bug with Extended Events creation in SQL Server Management Studio 18.7: what it is and a workaround


UPDATE 2: The bug was fixed in SSMS 18.8UPDATE: The bug still isn’t fixed in SSMS 18.7.1 Oh boy, what I found; I haven’t seen anybody else reporting on it, yet, so here I am.Fortunately, the bug is not breaking, as I’ve found a workaround, but still. Repro Open the “New Session…” GUI for extended events in SSMSGive it a name, it’s not importantAdd an...

How to identify the unit of measure of Extended Events durations


Even if I use Extended Events almost every day, I always forget the unit of measure of each duration counter, since they’re basically arbitrary; Seconds, milliseconds, microseconds? Whatever, it depends on the dev that implemented that specific counter. That’s why I’ve added to Github repository the following code that extracts the descriptions from XE DMVs in order to...

It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform

Emanuele Meazzo

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