It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform


There’s a Bug with Extended Events creation in SQL Server Management Studio 18.7: what it is and a workaround


UPDATE 2: The bug was fixed in SSMS 18.8UPDATE: The bug still isn’t fixed in SSMS 18.7.1 Oh boy, what I found; I haven’t seen anybody else reporting on it, yet, so here I am.Fortunately, the bug is not breaking, as I’ve found a workaround, but still. Repro Open the “New Session…” GUI for extended events in SSMSGive it a name, it’s not importantAdd an...

Presenting @ DataWeekender the SQL Server Diagnostic Book


I’ve bored you with my SQL Server Diagnostic Book for long enough, now I’ll bore even more people @ DataWeekender , where I’m doing a lightening talk about it, showing people what it is and how to install/use it.

You can download the Slides from the slides HereMy latest post on the Diagnostic book is HereHow to Create a Book Extension for ADS Here

The SQL Server Diagnostic Book is now on the Azure Data Studio Marketplace!


Great News Everyone!As detailed in my previous article, you can now create extensions containing SQL (note)books and publish them on the Azure Data Studio Marketplace!How do I know? Because I did it 🧐 How to install it As you see in the gif above, the process is super fast: Be sure to be on Azure Data Studio version 1.22.0 (September 2020) or laterSearch for “SQL Server Diagnostic” in...

How to ship SQL Jupyter Notebooks and Books directly to Azure Data Studio by creating an extension in the Marketplace


The recently released Extension Generator for Azure Data Studio has opened up yet another way to ship Notebooks and Books to ADS allowing you to easily author your extensions. In my previous post I’ve detailed how you can now access a Book remotely, now, if you want the book to be actually installed in your ADS instance, you can install it as an extension! Follow this link for the SQL...

You can now access the SQL Server Diagnostic Book remotely!


UPDATE: This is now somewhat deprecated, because you can install the Book as an extension, without having to type anything, as detailed here. Good news everyone, thanks to the Azure Data Studio August 2020 update you can now access the SQL Server Diagnostic Book without having to download the book from my Github. Remote Jupyter Books have been added to ADS, now you just need to click “Add...

How to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars by using functions in SQL Server


Ahh, functions, the greatest tool at a programmer’s disposal, they make code reusable and easy to read, they’ve been essential since the first function call was made in the last century… Unfortunately for the developers out there, when working for SQL Server, especially when tuning for performance, you need to get everything you knew about programming and throw it out of the...

Quick Tip: How to find the address of the PowerBI local tabular instance


Super quick tip, I’ve seen this done via CMD or DaxStudio, but not via PowerShell (probably because I haven’t searched so much since I’ve done it myself), but here we are: I’m sure you know that PowerBI tabular models are 100% the same as SSAS tabular models, hence you can use SSMS to connect to a PowerBI Tabular model as if it was SSAS (because it is), to do whatever you...

You can now script your database objects as a Notebook using SQL Server Management Studio 18.5+


Great News Everyone! Microsoft just dropped SSMS 18.5 after almost 5 long months without any updates; this new release fixes a lot of bugs and introduces a few new features, above them all I’m now showing you the following. I’m sure that you used the the “Generate Scripts” feature in SSMS quite a few times, you could generate the code for schema and/or data for any (or...

How IT helped the world during the CoronaVirus Pandemic, and how it can continue to help


The 2020 global coronavirus pandemic has shown how Health, Food, and Logistics are essential services to allow the integrity of a nation in a time of need. However, these weeks of quarantine showed that IT it’s a critical part for the success of the emergency reaction and to be able to continue providing services, here are some examples: Remote Working Allowing people to continue to work...

A Self-deployable TICK Stack for ingesting data, monitoring and alerting for any service (including SQL Server)


Oh boy, this is a spinoff of my previous post on “How To Use Grafana (On Docker) To Monitor Your Sql Server (Eventually On Docker Too) – Feat. Influxdb And Telegraf” , which is a nice solution, but I wanted to create something that’s even more easy to deploy, more configurable and without the need of actually knowing influxSQL or learning the influxDB Telegraf schema; for these...

It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform

Emanuele Meazzo

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