It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform


Presenting at SQL Saturday


I’ll be presenting my session on “How to use PowerBi as a Free monitoring tool” this Saturday in Parma.

Here you can check the session schedule, there are a lot of interesting sessions; moreover, the event is totally free, if you are in the area and you like data it can’t be missed!

Check out the event page here

Slides and materials for my session “How to use PowerBI as a Monitoring Tool” @


Good news everybody!As you may know if you follow me on Linkedin , I’ve been selected as one of the GroupBy Speakers for the last GroupBy session for 2019! My session will be: How to use PowerBI as a free monitoring tool (including 5 free reports for SQL Server) (session abstract here) I’ve already published the session slides and materials for you to follow along, you can find them...

Creating a Report and distributed Alerts for PowerBI Scheduled Refreshes in your organization (starring Powershell, PowerBi & Microsoft Flow)


The Issue If you ever tried to manage a PowerBI Tenant, you may have come across this problem: A part the PowerBI success comes from the ability for BI people to self-serve the data it needs, you just provide them with the datasources that they need and they can go around creating all the reports that they want; this is also an issue when trying to manage the tenant, because by default the owner...

A PowerBI Report for SQL Server Agent Jobs


As my “community service” this month, I’ve worked on this neat (I hope!) PowerBI report (and companion stored procedure) to easily analyze all what you wanted to know about your Agent Jobs execution, but were too afraid to ask to the standard Reports in SSMS. This is part of the FirstRespondersKit toolkit, which I encourage you to check out. Installation: Install the...

Test: confronting various methods of bulk loading data from a table to another, what’s the fastest?


 Most of the support request I get involved with can be summarized with the following keywords: “slow” + “datawarehouse” + “ETL” + “Save us” What about thinking about ETL performance before it goes bad? Before the system is in production for some time , the data size reaches a decent size which wasn’t tested in DEV and you find out that the...

Creating a Perfmon and Filestats reports in PowerBI [Part 1]


If you work for a big company, you may have a bunch of instances/databases under your control, you ran whatever monitoring tool has been provided and everybody is happy; But if your’re like me and you’re working for a big number of customers, each one with a different version of SQL and own configuration/security policies, with no monitoring tool directly available, and have to answer...

It's just Emanuele showing you what you can do in the Microsoft Data Platform

Emanuele Meazzo

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